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Council Officers 2022-2023

Grand Knight—Peter Cipriano

The Grand Knight is the chief executive officer of the Council and is responsible for all activities. Peter resides in Staatsburg, NY. Peter can be reached at  845-845-2172  email -

Deputy Grand Knight—Devin Berrian

Assistant to the Grand Knight. Devin resides in Milton, NY and can be reached at

Chancellor—Stephen Pemberton

Responds to reports of  Brothers/family sick or in distress and communicates to the council.  Steve resides in Hyde Park, NY. and can be reached

Financial Secretary—Rob Makowicki

Maintains all bank accounts and financial records. Rob resides in Staatsburg, NY and can be reached at 845-889-4148, email -

Treasurer—Ryan Boryk 

Maintains all bank accounts and financial records. Ryan resides in Staatsburg, NY and can be reached at email -

Recorder—Edward McKenna

Responsible for meeting minutes and all correspondence. Ed resides in Red Hook, NY and can be reached at email -

Advocate—Ted Philibar

Acts as parliamentarian for the council. Devin resides in Milton, NY and can be reached at email -

Warden---Patrick Philibar
Inside Guard—Brendan Coniff
Outside Guard—Stephen Garrison
Trustees,  PGK’s James Stutzman, William Ryan, Kevin Andros

Knights of Columbus, Hyde Park, NY 12538

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